Sculpted Planters, Statue Lamps and Drink Trays at DYRSL


Dee Why RSL has been evolving over the past two decades via a series of major and minor projects by Altis Architecture. Courtyard bar and lounge is one of the latest developments with interior and exterior spaces incorporating sculptural elements from Di Emme Creative Solutions.

Eight large planters in the sunlit courtyard are filled with greenery. To satisfy the design brief for the planters, Di Emme hand sculpted a relief pattern and produced panels in fibreglass. An applied sandstone finish was added to exactly match the sandstone capping.

The Art Deco-inspired statue lamps are also cast in fibreglass then carefully painted in bronze metal powders. Di Emme produced a 300mm maquette for initial approvals, to show the client the scale and style. From these approvals a steel armature with a mesh frame was built to support a full-size clay model. The use of clay allowed for finetuning of the body shape and posture. Meetings were held throughout the sculpt to ensure a satisfactory result, with final meetings to decide the placement of texture and bronze highlights.

sculpted drinks trays at dyrsl

In another area of the club Di Emme cast hands to create sculptures to hold brass trays. The internal structural supports and final fixings are built to withstand the bustling bar traffic.